2022 橘色善念國際研討會~後疫情徵稿資訊--審查結果延期至2022年11月7日(一)

2022 橘色善念國際研討會~後疫情 徵稿





徵稿議題 Topics of Interest


Fashion Design: design and culture, life and style, fashion design

‧資訊傳達設計:視覺設計、資訊設計、互動設計、網站設計、多媒體設計Communication Design: visual design, information design, interaction design, web design, multimedia design

‧大眾傳播:消費行為、公關策略與企劃、新聞評論、傳播與社會創新、傳播產業與政策Mass Media: consumer behavior, public relation strategy, news commentary, communication and social innovation, communication industry and policy


Product Design: universal design, human factors design, interface design


Living Spaces: interior design, design for care, landscape architecture


Healthcare: long-term care, medical science, medical research, industrial design, health issue


Biotechnology: pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering, biochip, bioinformatics, biomedical materials


Educational Psychology: social psychology, education studies, teaching materials design


Cultural Heritage: cultural heritage preservation, sustainability and recycling

‧永續 ESG:綠色消費、社會責任、公平貿易

Environmental, Social, Governance: green consumption, social responsibility and fair trade

‧其他當代議題(不限上述徵稿議題)and other contemporary issues



重要時程 Key Paper Dates

1. 收件截止日:2022 年 10 月 14 日(五)

2. 審查結果通知:2022 年 10 月 31 日(一)延期至2022年11月7日(一)

※請在活動網頁下載﹝報名表﹞及﹝著作授權同意書﹞,填寫完畢後(兩份表格皆需親筆簽名)轉成 PDF 檔。投稿者最遲請於 2022 年 10 月 14 日(五)將

(1)    報名表  (PDF 檔)、(2)著作授權同意書  (PDF 檔)、(3)論文 (WORD 檔)、(4)論文 (PDF 檔),

E-mail 至 fju03953@gmail.com 或 cyt03954@gmail.com

主旨:○○○(姓名)- 2022 橘色善念國際研討會投稿
